Monday, May 3, 2010

Obamacare in Minnesota - What does it look like?

Here is an update for you on what the Democrats are doing regarding health care "reform" in Minnesota. Thanks to Kevin Watterson for this report.

April 28, 2010 Kevin Watterson 651) 296-5989

SMITH: We’ve seen this play before

ST. PAUL – House Republican Deputy Minority Leader Steve Smith, Mound, today criticized Democrats for ramming a health care finance bill through the committee process, pushing the bill through in less than 48 hours. With Tuesday’s Health Care Finance hearing having finished at 1 am Wednesday morning, the bill was back in the full Finance Committee at 8:30 a.m.

“They are jamming this bill through so fast that nonpartisan staff hasn’t even had time to prepare a summary of what’s in the bill,” Smith said Wednesday morning. “I guess they’re operating under the Pelosi principle of we’ll have to pass it so we can find out what’s in it.”

After originally indicating the health and human services bill would be unveiled in the first week of April, Democrats postponed the bill “indefinitely” while awaiting word of how much borrowed money the federal government would send to Minnesota. It wasn’t until mid-day on Monday, April 26 that the public got its first look at the bill and Democrats intend to push it through the committee process early Wednesday, April 28.

“I feel like we’ve seen this play before, except this time it’s directed by the legislative team of Kelliher-Pogemiller instead of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid,” Smith said.

In addition to the clouded process, Smith said that what legislators have been able to learn about the bill isn’t good. One budget-busting provision would enroll Minnesota in Obamacare provisions not intended to go into effect until 2014. Smith, however, pointed out that early enrollment would cost Minnesota taxpayers $1 billion while the state already faces a $5.4 billion long-term deficit. Furthermore, Smith said the fund Democrats hope to find the money for this cost will be bankrupt.

“That’s like writing a $2,000 check knowing that you are already overdrawn. Only Democrats would find that to be an acceptable way to run government, and ultimately it’s taxpayers who lose.”


Rep. Steve Smith (R-Mound) served as the chair of the Public Safety Committee from 1998-2006 in the Minnesota House of Representatives. His email address is

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